Audio Bible HCSB - HCSB Audio Bible

The Holman Christian Standard Bible is a modern version of the Bible that was fully published in 2004. It is considered one of the most accurate translations and was written in clear language for readers to understand and relate to. HCSB is trusted and loved by millions all over the world; the team of 100 scholars who translated it ensured that it remained true to the original languages.

Listen to the HCSB Audio Bible and experience the gospel in a fresh, new way. The Scriptures are beautifully and clearly narrated bringing the messages of hope and truth to life. As you hear the Word read aloud, you will be inspired and your faith will be renewed.

Having the HCSB Audio player makes access to the Bible easier as you can take this compact and convenient gadget anywhere you go. Plus, its easy-to-use features make navigating from chapter to chapter simple as you click a button and it will talk back to you.
  • Front view - Audio Bible HCSB - Talking Bible player - HCSB Bible reader

    Audio Bible HCSB - Talking Bible player - HCSB Bible reader

    Price: $62.99
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