Swedish Audio Bible reading

The Swedish Audio Bible Player is designed to ensure that the 9.6 million Swedish-speakers predominantly living in Sweden are reached with the gospel message. Access to the Bible in their native language makes communication more effective and meaningful.

With the Swedish Audio Bible player, listeners can hear each word of the Old and New Testament beautifully narrated by professionals. The sound is clear and the translation is excellent. This gadget is convenient, compact, and very easy to use. In fact, you can browse from chapter to chapter instantly by the simple click of a button.

Listen as you are on-the-go or relaxing – you choose. It will enhance your personal devotions, build your faith, make your outreach ministry to Swedes more effective and add real value to your life.

Non-readers and the elderly will be happy with this gadget. It is user-friendly, has raised buttons and other easy-to-use features for a pleasant Bible experience.

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