Thai Bible audio player

Thai is the language used by 20 million people all over the world. However, only a small percentage of them actually have access to the Bible in the language they love and understand. This barrier presents major challenges for the spreading of the gospel. It is time that Christians and non-Christians alike have easy access to the Scriptures.

Knowing the dire need to convey the Word of God to the people, we are excited to make the Thai Audio Bible easily available to all. Those who speak Thai no longer have to battle with poor translations and interpretations of the Good News—they can hear it for themselves in their own tongue. Every book of the Bible from Genesis in the Old Testament to Revelations in the New Testament is beautifully narrated for your listening pleasure.

It is the ideal device to use for effective evangelism, missionary work, church services, bible studies and your own personal devotions. Equally amazing are its features: compact size, interactive talk-back and easy navigation that allow you to browse each chapter and verse by just the click of a button.
  • Front view - Audio Bible Thai Bible reader - Bible read aloud - Easy to Use