Latin Vulgate Bible New Testament

Do you want to improve your knowledge of the Bible and enhance your studies? Would you like fresh, new insights into the Word of God and what it has to say? The Latin Vulgate Audio Bible is a perfect resource to help you in your ministries and personal Christian journey.

In the 4th century, Pope Damasus I instructed Jerome to revise the older Latin translations. Subsequently, the Latin Vulgate was used as the Catholic Church's official Latin version of the Bible during the 16th century. It is also believed to have been popular with Martin Luther the leader of the Protestant Reformation.

The Latin Vulgate Audio player is equipped with the best features to enhance your experience. You can browse through each chapter easily with just one click of the button and it is convenient and easy to carry anywhere. Whether you are an evangelist, a preacher, a missionary or you just want to focus more on the Word of God, the Latin Vulgate is a great resource to have.
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