Tagalog Audio Bible reading

Reaching the many people all over the world who speak Tagalog has now become easier. The official language of the Philippines, Tagalog is used mainly in the northern sections and connects the people. With the introduction of the Tagalog Audio Bible, the hearts of millions can be touched and their lives transformed by the amazing power of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

This Audio Bible is designed with navigation and interactive features that are simple to use. Just click the button, and you will find any chapter or book of the Old and New Testament you desire. You no longer have to try to translate the Bible from a foreign language or need an interpreter to understand it. The language barrier has been bridged.

Use the Tagalog Audio Bible for your own personal devotions in privacy, on the go or you can share it with your friends and family. Your evangelism efforts can bear more fruit as you take the gospel to the people who speak Tagalog. Now, they can understand every word on this interactive and engaging device.
  • Front view - Audio Bible Tagalog Bible reader - Bible read aloud - Easy to Use
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